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disolitude said:

 Imagine a family where a Dad and his two sons want to play Halo against each other.  With the Xbox One, they would only need one copy of Halo, now with the changed rules, they need to buy three.

I'm sorry.... What!? Wasn't the sharing thing works this way,

-> you have it in your library

->your family member(in the family list) can use it when you're not playing it

->no two members can use the same game at the same time.

->when you are playing it, no other people can play it.

I refuse to believe that MS is that lax with this rule.  You are entitled to 1 copy which belongs and is registered to the only one who purchased it. Isn't this what they're pushing with their policies?

Unless I'm mistakening, this guy already is spewing bullshit in the article and calling people idiots.