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Hynad said:
Chandler said:
Hynad said:
Chandler said:

What I posted nearly a month ago:


I haven't read anything in this thread but my fanboy head tells me that it went like this:

EA threatened to not support any console that would allow used games without any sort of compensation. Microsoft and Sony agreed to it and Nintendo didn't so EA said fuck you, 2 out of 3 is good enough for us, Nintendo you're out.

Sony successfully managed to tiptoe around this topic at their conference but Microsoft didn't and the internet blew up about it. 
Sony sees this, gets cold feet because their next console is basically do or die for them (in the video game industry) and bails out.
EA will probably be like "Shit, we can't live with only one console, so yeah, I guess we still bring games to you Sony". 
Microsoft will be like "Hey, wtf, wait a minute, we took this blow for you and now you fuck us over? We'll bail out, too. No used games policy on Xbone either!". 
EA: "Well, ok, we tried to enforce this, can't do anything about it when all of you are pussies and bail out."

MS & Sony: "So what about Nintendo?"

All: "Loooool fuck theeeem"

And this is how I justify boycotting EA in my head. This and the fact that they can't produce good games anymore.




I guess my fanboy brain isn't that far detached from reality afterall.

A nice piece of biased fiction indeed.

It's not fiction if it's true, boiiii. I pretty much predicted the MS backpedal, so give me some credit here. But I understand that you can't do that for reasons, boiiii.

Boiiii? Ha ha ha. That's cute.

You did predict MS's back-pedaling. Here's a cookie. The rest of your story is the overly biased part, lad.

I guess you missed the fanboy part and should look up what fanboy means so you can understand that you telling me the post is biased is a total shocker to me. Except not. Boiiiii.

This post has been moderated by axumblade

Ongoing bet with think-man: He wins if MH4 releases in any shape or form on PSV in 2013, I win if it doesn't.