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Michael-5 said:
AndrewWK said:
Michael-5 said:

Even with 95% of the problems fixed, I don't think MS will win for 2 simple reasons.

1) It gave MS a bad image as a console manufacturer, I have a lot of hardcore 360 supporters who just "gave up" on Microsoft.

2) It's still an inferior system to WiiU and PS4. $500 is too much, and with all units coming with Kinect, I can't see it being priced less then WiiU/PS4. Plus WiiU/PS4 have better exclusives, and overall, better games.

You are joking, right?

Not graphically, as a system. First of all, not only is Nintendo known for bomb-proof reliability and amazing customer support, a WiiU is also a $300 system, has the most exclusives announced for it, is backward compatible with Wii games, controllers and peripherals, and I would argue that it's share of exclusives will get the highest average score, just like they did on Wii.


The online inftrastructure is a mess and games don´t come frequent enough. I mean the Wii U costs 350€ I know the Xbone will launch at 500€ but it is multiple times more powerfull in regards of processing power, has reliable and very good online infrastructure, offers services like Netflix and HBO go, it can be used as a blu Ray player. And the Xbone will have a ton of third party support which the Wii U already lacks. 

I would agree on that the Nintendo developed titles will have the most quality of the exclusives. But Nintendo titles have become so redundant in the past few years. Of course this is a subjective matter but if you are sick of the same old recycled Nintendo properties then you wont be happy with the Wii U.

Plus the Xbone comes with a great gamepad that can be used for fighting games racing games and all sorts of games. The Wii U gamepad is not a good tablet and doesn´t work particularly well as a controller for most games that don´t udolize the second screen functionality well or at all, whoch are the most games. I know Nintendo offers a pro controller which is great but those are additional 45€ to spend on. 

So calling the Wii U a superior system is very generous, I would even argue about that in comparison to the 360 and PS3. But until the XBone doesn´t come we wont be able to make a fair comparison. We don´t know yet how fast the OS of the Xbone will be, how the support will be handled etc.