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Deyon said:

1) It also looks at the PS4 as “Xbox 360 version 2″ due to the lack of social and multi-tasking features. The company doesn’t even see Sony as a threat. Even better, it believes that the PS4′s graphics RAM will run hotter, besides not being as optimized as the Xbox One. Thus leading to both being evenly matched or, believe it or not, the Xbox One performing ahead.

2) The good news is that the company sees Don Mattrick as some one who is making them look worse, and is working to muffle him.


1) Hello 2007 marketing campaign against Wii. They tried to write off Wii as Gamecube 1.5, didn't work then either.

2) Hyrb is such a bullshit artists Mattrick can't keep up. Don Mattrick tells it straight and true: if you don't have internet then we have Xbox360 for you, it's an offline console. That shot of truth was so refreshing. Don Mattrick #toohonestforMicrosoft

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix