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KBG29 said:
bananaking21 said:

i thought this thread was about the PS4 not PS3? when sony announced the PS4 they said you could download a small portion of the game and play right away while the game downloads and installs in the background. 

you are spreading false information and nonesense all over this thread, give it a rest will ya

I want to know how he downloaded The Last of Us in this manner, because the PSN version does not have a seperate download and install. 

The PSN version of The Last of Us makes you download an installer (~150MB). You start the installer like playing a game and it starts to download. Once the game reaches ~70% you start playing the game, and it continues to download and install as you play. 

It took me about 2 hours to download 18.2GB and then I was off and playing. I have a 20mbps connection and that is exactly on the nose for data to connection speed. He must have 115mbps internet to have downloaded ~26GB in a half hour.