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BenVTrigger said:

But his pro MS twitter crusade had been ridiculous. And his comments about pre owned and AAA are absolutely false.


And the fact that many developers, including one of the greatest Or at least most prolific, producers of games there is (Nintendo) totally disagrees should tell you something.

Unfortunately the guy is influential, and worse I think the mainstream gaming media are giving MS a free pass on this. Oh sure they're criticising MS on many aspects of their DRM, but it's mostly at the level of "The screwed up on the PR and they're sending out confused messaging...but it's still a great console and we hope it does well, competition is good."

Perhaps the gaming MSM all buy into the crap that used games = bad of the industry and DRM = necessary evil. But I think game journalism is once again showing its lack of professionalism by not really putting DRM on trial as being a terribly abusive practice that will do nothing to stop the true gaming crime of piracy, and that it harms a part of the industry that no one has yet proven does any damage to developers who make cosistently decent games.

I guess we can expect him to be Xbone exclusive.

Sony can't u-turn on DRM for disc based games. If they did not only would they swiftly be so totally abandoned that they exit the console market, they would also be sued into near bankruptcy by everyone who bought PS4 because it was widely, publicly and repeatedly announced that there would be no DRM on discs.

The guy is being an arse for suggesting used games are bad and DRM is the way to a glorous gaming future. But he's a total loon for saying Sony's got a nasty old Xbone-like DRM policy up its sleeve that it will deploy once they've sucked enough people into their system.

I think Sony possibly had a DRM plan as recently as April this year that it could deploy fairly easily into its OS, and Sony was playing chicken with MS on who would announce DRM first to see what the public reaction would be like. I think the day OF the Xbone announcement in May whatever disc based DRM plans Sony had they burned them to leave no trace. Sony have said ther'd be no disc based DRM on their 1st party titles, but that DRM on 3rd party titles would be up to the publisher.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix