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disolitude said:

I was on vacation with no internet access for a week and am watching these e3 conferences and their fallout for the first time today, so forgive me with chiming in a bit late.

In terms of the e3 presentations and what was shown:

What has Sony added to the new console aside beefing up the specs? Sony's console strategy is seriously starting to lag at this point and time. For 3 generations now they keep doing the same things console after console.. just beef up the specs and provide a current staus quo and boom, they’re done. Whilst Microsoft has been the trailblazer, taking risks and bringing new things to the console market. This forces Sony to have to patch things on the go in order to compete and always remain a step behind(or several steps).

When Microsoft introduced standardized multiplayer gaming on consoles and started charging for Xbox Live Gold, people criticized it, claiming it will fail. But now Sony is going by the same route and charging money for PSN+ in order for multiplayer. How are gamers and media not bitching about this btw?

- They are bitching about it !

Then again when Microsoft Introduced Xbox live arcade and XNA for indie developers, people said it will fail... but now Sony is grabbing Indie developers any way they can. Consistently Sony incompetence and lack of foresight means they have to always play catch up and are behind.

- No they didn't !

We are again seeing something new on home consoles from computing, digital gaming library, digital game sharing, HDMI passthrough and possibly many more features to come...which everyone on the internetz is claiming will fail. All while the greatest strengths for the competition are all based on the current gaming standards. Hmm... 

They say that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over while expecting a different outcome.

- They don't say this, Albert Einstein said this. 

Thanks for your bizarre, revisionist viewpoins.

I dont recall a lot of what you said ever happening so must presume you had your vacation in an alternate universe.

I do agree that Sony do shamelessly lift ideas from competitors. However its rare you see adopting a winning idea described as incompetent.

I also agree they boost their specs periodically but if thats what their core audience demands its hardly a mis step.

The Xbox Ones digital strategy coupled with its Jack of All Trades, Master of None market appeal will cause it to fail.

Dont forget in Microsofts second biggest market Europe its launching a near crippled product missing a large part of its promised feature set.