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qmoney88 said:
JusSayian said:
qmoney88 said:
JusSayian said:
ironmanDX said:
Not this again... How many amazon threads do we need?

As many as there needs to be to ensure sony dominance and overall victory on this site.

Finally comin around I see, lol.

You guys have shown me the light, Sony is the the one true god of gaming and to say otherwise is blasphemy. Ms is evil and must be purged from gaming.


LOL, nah do not get me wrong i do not hate playstation at all. I just hate blind bashing and hypocrisy.

I hear ya, I will admit to taking things a little too far but thats only because I want microsoft to change their policies so I can support them.  Hell, as it stands I still want to support them because I cannot see a future without Halo in it, that just seems... wrong.  TBH, the policies don't even affect me but I know they affect a significant enough amount of gamers that its hard not to feel guilty for pre-ordering one.  I also love my 360 to death, which is another reason why i'm so torn, man I wish microsoft had made this easier. 

Honestly Halo is the biggest reason why i'm sticking around Xbox heck even gaming in general. The X1 policies are really not that bad. The Kinect can be turned off so 1 policy down. This only leaves the DRM and used games crap but read this article it explains things very well and logically.

Also if MS succeeds in making the X1 like steam we can expect great game discounts as well.