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Multimedialover said:

Its interesting that this isn't the first person to say this. Ubisoft said this at e3 and edge also reported further Sony pr play from sources they have.

there's to many developers saying this about Sony pr play at e3.

lol at all those who get burned buying a ps4. Sony lie at e3 more than any other company.

look at e3 2005 for ps3. Sony factually lied about 16 things for ps3. Including cross game chat from launch and dual hdmi out.

i wonder how many ps4s used will be on sale by April 2014. I predict alot. As people realise the lack of launch titles and used game policies. More importantly devs may start to boycot ps4. As many have categorically stated at e3 drm in some form is needed to keep the industry afloat.

why else would Microsoft being listening to devs and Sony not? Playstation may end up as Nintendo. 1st party only. As 3rd party flock to drm protected xbox one.

User was banned for this post - Kantor

The DRM measures on the Xbox One may lead to a higher percentage of new game sales but you are forgetting the install base.

110% of 1,000,000 is 1,100,000 but 100% of 2,000,000 is 2,200,000.

Developers are not stupid, if they make multiplatform games exclusive then they will simply lose sales in the long run.

Developers just don't have enough option's to ignore the PS4, especially if it outperforms the Xbox One.

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Where you either win

or you DIE