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This is honestly pathetic as this point. His response to Sony not implementing draconian DRM policy is to come out and call them a liar. Most likely he just does not like the PS4 getting a leg up on the Xbox One because of this issue

CliffyB seems to not understand that the games market will just shrink without used games.

Not all used game sales would have been new game sales, people buy new games with trade in credit, if games are better people are more likely to hold onto them, second hand games and big budget games have been around for years side by side and he has the gall to say the numbers don't add up?

Given how much the gears of war franchise relies on it's big budget to get by without genuine creativity, i can see why he's afraid of not having millions of dollars to waste.

This is the Game of Thrones

Where you either win

or you DIE