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badgenome said:

Um... it would be exponentially worse PR to announce no DRM and then turn around and say, "Just kidding. DRM!" than to just announce DRM up front. Cliff is a dumbfuck.

Why?  If that announcement comes several months to a year after you've bought your PS4, they've got you locked into their product.

As much as you may not like it, Cliff is right.  Sony is going to have to develop a solution, if it doesn't, and it puts that responsibility on third-party publishers other then what happens when the solution is one which is a more bitter pill than the one Microsoft had created?  In fact, what happens if third-party publishers become a poison pill for the PS4 because Sony has put it upon the publishers to come up with their own solution and in doing so they make the PS4 noxious for third-party developers publishers?  I don't mean intentionally, but imagine the SimCity debacle on the PS4, but imagine every third-party developer using a third-party publisher having their own solution.

You don't have a common, uniform way of doing things.  You don't have eco-system wide features that ensure all games work the same way.  You have everyone going their own way because they can't afford to sit around and wait for Sony to announce it's plans and they can't afford to lose money for a feature you think is important but is driving developers out of business.

People want cheaper AAA games, but they don't want the technology that enables them to have cheaper AAA games.  They praise Valve for Steam, but when Microsoft tries to do something similar, they breakout the pitchforks and torches. 

Microsoft at least put it all out there on the table.  Yes, you're going to have an active DRM, but it isn't going to be active the entire time you play the game, or use your console.  Not only that, but you can share the game and all of the DLC with up to 10 people in a group, and with anyone on your console or a console you're logged onto.  In addition, you'll be able to take your game collection and all of your DLC with you anywhere you go.

So, right now the only certainty that you have is that Sony published games won't require an Internet connection, that you can play a game on up to 2 (or is it 3) consoles, and that EA won't be using Online Passes any longer.  Yet you and many others seem safe with that, yet there are a lot of "What Ifs" left open.