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RolStoppable said:
badgenome said:

Um... it would be exponentially worse PR to announce no DRM and then turn around and say, "Just kidding. DRM!" than to just announce DRM up front. Cliff is a dumbfuck.

Isn't Sony's stance that it's up to publishers?

If you consider how accepting gamers were of paid online multiplayer on the PS4, I don't think the implementation of DRM on the PS4 would lead to much of an outrage. It would probably be rationalized with: "Well, Microsoft still has something worse in place and I guess we'll have to accept that this is the future. It's not like the Wii U is an option; it won't get the majority of third party content, after all. And at least Sony's first party games won't have such DRM. Plus the PS4 is still $100 cheaper than the X1."

I don't know, do you feel safe that third parties won't find a way to screw gamers over?

You are correct, considering Sony have already implemented SOME form of DRM in this gen with PSN Pass.

This coming gen is like saying "I might as well go for the lesser of two evils", but that still means that third parties have made SOME progress at screwing over the consumer.


EDIT: I need to add that anyone who IS for sending a clear message to third parties should get a WiiU. Ever since the days of the playstation, the market has changed from one where consumers have the say in the matter, to third parties dictating what consumers should have. The industry needs a reboot back to 16bit times, when third parties were forced to play ball, because of consumer demand, not consumers being forced to play ball because of third party supply....