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Funny thing...

If this is as big a problem as Cliffy B. says...why haven't some games like Uncharted, God of War III, Final Fantasy XIII or even the Gears of War series been considered failures? How come these developers are thriving instead of sinking due to used game sales? Why isn't Naughty Dog going under, as a game like Uncharted has such a big budget that needs covering?
Why hasn't Sony Santa Monica been known to hurt for money after the huge budget that God of War III had? I just looked up GoW 3 on my local site for impromptu trading and found only 2 copies available of which is an import, not a used game copy.

It kind of amazes me that the used game polemics are so discussed, and the idea that gaming will die because of it...but throughout this generation I've seen companies thrive in spite of it. And, arguably, these are some of the most expensive games to make out there and yet...I don't see ND crying for their lost revenues, Epic games, Sony Santa Monica and same could be said for a lot of developers.

Great games will be bought, enjoyed, and kept if they are worth keeping. I would never dream of selling my copy of Red Dead Redemption, or inFamous, or Mass Effect 2 or so many others. Long as the game is good, it will sell bananas and fans will want to hold on to it. I really can't see how anyone can attest to the opposite when they are a freaking walking counter point to everything they say.