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disolitude said:

You just don't understand what a sound digital ecosystem is if you think that you can be half digital and half not. Xbox 360 and PS3 did "digital"...its the current staus quo.

You people are just not seeing the benefits of going digital and are jsut focusing on DRM and olways on as huge drawbacks. I refuse to believe that the people who use the internet can't see the benefits of a digital gaming library.

For example, how is Sony going to allow you to digitally share disk based games with friends and both play them in seperate households? You have to currier the disk back and forth...That sucks.


Yes, how is Sony going to allow me to do that? I don't know, maybe if it becomes a huge feature and a huge hit for MS, they could... Hmm, lets say, they could just ship their games (and require 3rd parties to do the same) with a key-code which you could redeem in the store to download a digital copy, which you could either download for yourself OR send as a gift to someone (even for a small fee of $5-$10). Just like gift buying on Steam. Maybe they already have this in place? How do you know they don't?

To me, it seems like you think (or HOPE) Sony is stuck and cannot fix anything to their system, and I believe you want them to fail.