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If you are tired of "negative" threads against Microsoft, stop reading this right now, ignore this right now. Go somewhere else. Please.

You are an XBone defender and take personal everything said about Microsoft, do yourself a favor and DO NOT read this.

This is my opinion, and I am only human so I could be wrong. So if you are a little rebel and you are still reading, be ready because you may dislike what I am about to say. You have been warned.

I think the right thing to do is to Boycott Microsoft and its Xbox One and promote its direct competitors: Sony and Nintendo. The business model they are setting up is harmful to gamers.

Also, I have been, as objectively as posible, trying to find something good in the XboxOne but no, I got nothing.

The bad things...

-End of used games

-End of Internet conexion as an option

-End optional motion controls and privacy (Somebody explain why Xbox 360 hardcore fanboys would now defend Kinect and having it connected always listening and perhaps always watching)

I have tried to get over this unsuccesfully (I own a 360 and love it), but the only thing I can do is buy me a Ps4 and a WiiU as soon as I can.

But maybe that is not enough.

I have read and heard people going cynical about this saying that there´s nothing we can do about it, Zombiegamers are going to buy the system massively anyway so we might as well get used to the end of an era and the beginning of the digital age, where you no loger buy anything. They say that you are buying, but in reality is just an overpriced rental they call a purchase.

So if you still chose to read this... Would you please not take it personal? I am not trying to begin a fanboy war (I own all of the systems). I am not trying to attack gamers, only the business  people of Microsoft who consider gamers slaves of their hobbie. I would like to think differently...

I want Microsoft to fail and I want us to stay in the model where you keep physical copies of the content you buy.

What can be done?