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ph4nt said:

The white male is the largest victim of racism in today's society, it's true.

As a White male i am denied entrance to college because of affirmative action, some kid barely pulling a 2.0 gets into my college of choice because he hasa different skin tone.

One time i had a teacher who wouldn't let us call people "black" or "mexican" but only african American, or Latino American. She then blatantly calls me white, now why should i be able to be called white, but not call others black? that in itself is racism. I stood up and told her i want to be called "scottish italian american" because that was my family heritage, Blacks are no more "african american" then i am "scottish italian american" but it's ok to call me white and not ok to call them black.

If you ever want to make a club at a school, it is ok to make a black club at anytime, however if you make a caucasion club it will never get passed.

Ever hear of Black History month? a caucasion history month would never be possible because it is deemed "racist"

If you hire a black person to work at your store, it is nearly impossible to get them fired because at anytime if he claims racist he wil lget whatever he wants, i know it soudns crazy but its true, i've experienced this.

The same thing occurs in movies. In what i call black movies, every member of the cast is black except for 1 white guy who is usually portrayed as an idiot. go watch any one of these types of movies, you know what i'm talking about.

On TV, almost every news channel will ALWAYS have at least 1 black person, 1 woman, or a combination of both, always, i dare you to find 1 news station that doesn't. This is to be politically correct.

Now comes the issue of financial aid, i need money to pay for college, but since im a white male i am on the bottom of the list, i found that if you are a black-lezbian-woman-retard-on the way to a gender change, you are immortal in getting whatever the heck you want.

I know a lot of this stuff sounds crazy, but it is in fact true, white males are receive the largest amount of racism from other minority groups simply because of what our ancestors did 200 years ago. Yet blacks take the most offense to anything because they can get away with it, if your white you are forced to do nothing because if you lash out against a black person being racist to you, he will file racism on you instead and get you in prison.

I have dealt with this racism for nearly 20 years, 20 years. I remain quiet and nice to anyone, i support black people who actually work hard and have jobs, and i support them when they aren't your typical guy from the ghetto.


I can see why eventualyl most white people crack after dealing with racism for so long. Once those people crack then the black people get more offended and the cycle continues indefinately. 

 This whole thing reads like a principal in a join the "Skin Head" movement pamphlet.


Don't give me that "the white man get's the most racism" crap.  You can't possibly live in the real world or maybe you need to turn those "media" politically correct outlets off.

If you're looking just on the surface of things? Sure maybe you have a point, but not really.  But I honestly don't know anyone or anywhere that does the affirmative action thing. As in "legally"  I've been to a slew of restaurants in Philadelphia a city that has almost a balance of minorities of and whites. And you know what? There isn't ONE black person working.  Not in the kitchen, on the floor, cleaning the bathroom, nothing.  So where's that affirmative action?

The company I work for American Expediting?  I'm the ONLY black person that works in the executive office after recieving a promotion from being one of the drivers, is it because of Affirmative Action? No it's because the last 5 people who held the position couldn't cut it and quit and once given the oppourtunity I took and made the best of it.

I have yet in a professional environment to see someone who was clearly NOT qualified or LESS qualified than another, working the job.  I have yet in a professional, day to day environment to see an office full of people with no "color" be forced to get "color" in their office because affirmative action demands it.


I'm not saying that it doesn't exist because I know it does, but if I live in a major american city, am a young professional, friends with young professionals, etc. and have yet to see "realistically" these effects (outside of what's reported on television) then I have a hard time believing you as a white person are just recieving rampant racism because of the color of your skin in 08.  Sorry I call bullshit.

So then you say oh there can't be "white history month" because of "black history month"

Are you FUCKING EDUCATED?  Every month outside of Feb. is white history month, from learning about the founders of US History, to who discovered America, to who won world war 1 and 2 to american politics.  To take it further maybe if you paid attention to why there was a black history month (the whole reason is to raise awareness on people who are lesser known than the chris columbus' and abe lincolns of our country).


You want to talk about racism and being hated against? When was the last time outside of your bullshit affirmative action clauses, that has actually happened to you? Seriously, there isn't a group or institution of people that sit around in every aspect of life "and say hey we don't have enough color let's get some!"

You talk about news anchors and politically correctness?  Did it ever occur to you that the media, which is supposed to be a general reflection of the world, is watched by other people that aren't white males? And thus in attempt at erasing "sterotypes" and preceptions that's why they have to be as you say "politically correct". Are you pissed because women are also on the news?

I don't live where you live or have your experiences, but if you're in a school that allows, black clubs to go with a free pass and no white clubs, I'd suggest maybe doing something about it or contacting your local branch of government (it does work both ways).  If you work at a place and they don't fire someone because they scream racism? Then that's also something you need to look into especially if it effects you, or maybe find a new place of employment.


Lastly white males are not punished because of what their ancestors did 200 years ago.  First off it's statisically proven that WHITE MALES make more than black males on avg. in all facets of life.  It's still statsticaly proven that minorities have problems getting loans for housing and business' vs. white males.  So again I ask what exactly are you talking about?

Maybe instead of these bullshit theory, wishing wells based off of your experiences you need to pay attention. The civil rights era was in the 60's not even 50 YEARS AGO (jim crow, segregation, ever heard of them?). That's in our grand parents and parents lifetime.  Just because in text books it says slavery was over doesn't mean that there was not still prejudice and sterotypes. Hell there still is TODAY (as you've eloquently displayed for us all here).

It is the same reasoning that you're using why some people feel affirmative action needs to be.  I've went to college and have tons of friends in college. There are TONS OF WAYS to get money for school, you just seem to be so caught up on your dellusions and pity parties that you aren't looking in the right places.  More so now that ever there are tons of resources for people to attend college.  Maybe instead of understanding why "white" people crack, you need to be hitting them resources to get yourself through school. I mean if a person can get a grant from the gov. to bake cakes and call it art (true story an artist friend of mine does this). Then I have a hard time believing you've tried EVERYTHING, and because of "affirmative action" have been stonewalled. Yeah, right...


Sorry my friend you, yourself sound like a racist - It is what it is!