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Gamegears said:
2 ways the used game market actually helps the AAA New game market ..

1. People are able to trade in old games for credit.. or sell their games.. in order to purchase the new games..

2. If you are on the fence about a new game that is an installment of a running series.. sometimes.. getting a used copy(or renting) of an earlier piece of that franchise on the cheap is bought and inspires sales on the new installment.. as does renting (If people have not played the series before)

3. Someone rents the title loves it.. because it reminds them of another game and buys it.

4. Rentals especially can help get the word out.

Way the used game markets/rentals can hurt the triple AAA markets.

1. you rent/buy a copy of a game in the long running franchise... or another game .. like the AAA title.. and it seems to similar...

2. You just choose to rent instead of buy... or you rent and are not impressed of the AAA title...(You will never fix this)

Whoops I actually up with 4 ways the used and rental market helps sorry

Nintendo Wii by generations...

1. Wii

2. Wii U

3. Wii O U

Predictions made by gamers concerning the current Nintendo line up of games.

Pikmen 3= Little Bump to nothing. (Got Little Bump)

Wind Waker HD= Won't sell anything (The explosion happened here and at one time 4 Wii U games was in the Amazon top 100)

Super Mario 3D World= Won't help at all looks cheap. (Currently the most sought after Wii U game and continuing the Wii U increase.)