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Daddo Splat said:
Also $10 for the retailers on a the game ! thats why when a retailer like frys has a $60.00 game for $50.00 they call it a lost leader! to get shoppers in the store!
BB does this with the latest dvd release's every week they dont make money at $15.00 a movie its the other stuff you buy! and after the 1st week the movie goes back up to $20.00 usually!

Sony's cut for licensing $8.00 I think MS is $10.00 and nintendo is $12-15

plus with the 360 proprietary licensing for ATI is almost $10.00 a game that may be the licensing fee though Iam not sure! I dont know if nvidia has the same deal or not!
So the game was $10 retailer, licensing $8.00 sony and $ 10.00 to nvidia 10% ad cost $10.00 per game that would be around $38.00 leaving around $22.00 per game for the developer not counting money sony may have put in to it! oyu could say possibly $32.00 per gameif nvidia isnt there also Bluray is more expensive to produce then dvd! so developing cost could be $ 5.00 per game! dvd box and shipping ect ect.

ya they need to sell alot more games to make money!

Does anybody think thats why a lot of developers are waiting for more of an install base before releasing thier game????? on PS3 or even going multiplatform to recoup costs!

That's weird. Considering every source other then you says that Sony has the highest liscensing cost... by quite a bit.

So... you are just making a lot of stuff up.