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one great game does not equal a system saver. Nintendo needs to bolster their first-party lineup like they did at E3. But they also can't just stick to Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Smash Bros, and Mario Kart. They need to bring back some of their other classic franchises and make them big again. I wrote a blog about the top 5 games that need to be rebooted on Wii U. If Nintendo gets these games back (Metroid is on the list but only because we really want it) they can keep their system alive for a long time. Here's the link.

In case you didn't know, I have a comic book called Guardians. I'm the writer/creator of it, and we have four issues out right now, with our fifth coming out soon!

We're also doing a Patreon right now for the comic, and I'd appreciate any and all help in getting it funded. If 56 people pledged $3 per issue, we'll be funded

To pledge, click here. Please join Team Guardians!