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PooperScooper said:
Where are you guys getting your figures from? Please tell me. I worked for a company who refused to do movie commercials because each ad would have cost them 2,000 dollars..... In Detroit area.... it was a huge arguement which way of advertising saved them the most money and brought in the most money.

Every once in a while there will be a new story on the internet as a show starts asking for a new record in terms of per-spot price; the price is determined by how high demand the time slots are, which is heavily dependant on how large the viewership is.

Years ago Friends made news because every one of the 6 main characters where going to make $1 Million per episode; they were able to negotiate this because all 6 actors were working together and how high the shows revenues were. If you assume an average of 24 commercials per 30 Minute episode each commercial would have to cost at least $250,000 to cover the cost of the actors; obviously there were other costs associated with the show, and the network was making a healthy profit so I wouldn't be surprised if they were charging $500,000 to $750,000 per slot (and this was close to a decade ago).