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Kasz216 said:

What you said is exactly what I know of the situation. So... yeah... no.

Once you resort to ethnic cleansing, no matter what the other side did to you... or other unrelated people... you can't complain when said ethnic group breaks away.

I agree completely with that...

However lets say that if you as a visitor (or in Kosovar Albanian case - immigrant) and the host dont get along, it would be the immigrant to go first. Serbs just didn't have the finesse to make this happen in the early 90's in a diplomatic way. Had milosevic come to Kosovo in the late 80s and said..."dear Croats, Serbs, bosnians, Macedonians and Slovenians...we have a problem we need to solve in Kosovo" Yugoslavia still may exist.

On the topic of Kosovo as a nation, there is no way nations around Kosovo will accept this. Montenegro, Greece and Macedonia have similar problems with Albanians taking over. US can put as much peer pressure on them as they want...