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HappySqurriel said:
Kasz216 said:
PooperScooper said:
Kasz216 said:
PooperScooper said:
Profit = revenue - cost. 75mil = revenue. You think there was more than 55mil in costs more than development????

Except development budjet=/= cost.

Development budget equals how much it cost to create the game as software.

It doesn't cost how much it cost to make copies of the game nor does it cost advertising, nor does it cost distribution or what you have to pay the stores or what you have to pay sony.

I'm not sure where you got 75 million in revenue for it.

1.25(sold) x 60(price) = 75mil(revenue) - costs = profit.

75mil - 20mil(budget) = 55mil.

55mil - advertising = 45mil (that 10 million is generious and i doubt they spent that much)

really you think there is more than 45mil in expenses(distribution/manufacturing)? along with HS and R&C. the point of this posy was beacuse people were saying those three games havent made profit yet.

I'd say 10 million is way undercutting advertising cost. Once again unless sony picked it up. I mean you live in the US how many uncharted commercials did you see the month it came out? I saw about 6-7 a day.


In general I think people underestimate marketing costs ...

A single slot on a national network durring primetime can cost between $250,000 and $1,000,000 (maybe more, last time I checked was a couple years ago when American Idol and Survivor were getting $1,000,000 per 30 second slot); a more inexpensive slot on a lesser national network at an awful time (3:00 am for example) can be as little as $10,000 (maybe more, last time I checked was years ago when I was working for a start-up company who was looking into national advertizements).

A company can litterally go through $100,000,000 in an amazingly short period of time if they're not careful ...

That's what i'm saying. I've had to do the same thing for some clients i had back when I was in college. They thought they had enough money for anything even TV adds...

They were quite quite wrong.

There is a reason most videogames don't get commerials and it's not "Damn lazy bastards don't want to advertise a good game!"