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VGKing said:
Kasz216 said:
VGKing said:
Euphoria14 said:
JazzB1987 said:
So Xbone games running on PC confirmed? Should be easy to hack the final games to work on PC again :)

Same goes for PS4. Both consoles are nothing more than PCs in camoflauge. Both running on x86 architexture gives that away.

Not at all. Both consoles are so much different than your ordinary PCs. Both are using APUs w/ unified memory. This alone makes them much more efficient than a PC ever hopes to be. This also allows future next-gen games to match high-end PCs a few years for now once devs start optimizing for every drop of power. So no, these aren't just PCs, they are much, much more. 


If you'll notice.  Battfield 4 was demoed using the PC.  Pretty much all the multiplat games that use PC were.


PC STILL looks better.

Afterall, think about this (likely false) rumor.

Titan GPU's CAN'T be part of that kind of unified architecture.

So in otherwords.  High end GPU's > Next Gen graphics.

If that wasn't the case, this rumor wouldn't be a negative.

Console power has... as always, been greatly overexagerrated via PR hype.

Well it depends on which PC you're talking about. Thousand dollar PCs looks better than consoles? Well duh.
Where consoles will have an advantage is price for performance. Even if you can build a PC that is comparable at the price point, next-gen games will be optimized specifically for consoles. 

Devs said that Planetside 2, which is a very demanding PC game, will run on PS4 at max settings. Even if it has some sacrifices, that is really impressive especially considering this is only a launch game. This brings me to another point this dev made....Planetside 2 PS4 development will give you better performance on your PC. Why? Better multi-core support.

1) Planetside 2 isn't a very demanding PC game.  At least, not in the GPU sense... it is in the CPU sense, due to bad programming.  It's not demanding so much as it is picky.

2) The titan while impressive, is actually pretty shit for it's price.  In otherwords, a lot cheaper cards will do it close for less.  Really, the Titan isn't actually needed for anything in gaming right now.

3)   By better multi-core support they mean that Planeside 2 for PS4 will have better multicore support not that PS4 has better multicore support then PC.

   Planetside 2 pretty much uses zero multi-threading and only uses one core on your PC.  They were supposed to fix this WAY back in the beta days, but didn't.

Games now a days generally do support at least dual core... and a game like Planetside not supporting it, is generally a huge failure since it's putting 200 objects on screen at a time.

Generally, on a lot of computers it will run like crap... yet not use anything more then 30% of your systems resources... because they programmed it like it was for an old school single core computer. 

or TLDR, PS2 will run better on the PS4 because it's programmers aren't so much "noobs" anymore, it doesn't really having anything to do with the PS4.

If they put the PS2 PC version on PS4 with the smallest amount of tweaks... it probably wouldn't even be playable... on any setting.  PS2 runs like garbage on AMD hardware.  Hence the need for a version with better multithreading.

It is a pretty fun game though.  I'd definitly suggest playing it.

Hopefully they'll port the PS4 engine back over to the PC so people with modern PCs can run the game decently.