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Anybody thats played Zombi U or Ninty land will see the potential of the gamepad, and what it can bring to the table, especially for local multiplayer. The gamepad is also useful as a stand alone tablet for browsing and multi-tasking. The underrated off tv play is also such a usefull feature in my household.
I think the gamepad was designed very much with Miiverse in mind,with ease of typing out messages and drawing pictures etc.Future upgrades to miiverse also point to this, Like being able to add a photo and the introduction of the colour pastels like art academy.
In the future certain hit DS franchises could be viable on Wii U like Proffessor Layton perhaps? and maybe smartphone and tablet games will become available cheap on E shop, especially as Nintendo are courting the indie devs. A lot of these type of games will utilize some form of touchscreen controls.