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I would like to add that I would preferred if they had actual built upon the success of the Wii combined motion control/standard button controller myself.

So imagine two the Wii Nunchucks. The left one exactly the same as before but with an added D pad. The right one would keep the Control stick and the lower of two Z shoulder buttons. A motion plus device would be in place of the higher Z shoulder button and 4 face button would also added as well. Their would be connector between the two Nunchucks so it can form game pad when required.

I made a crude prototype picture using Gamecube controller as base, to give a rough idea of what I am suggesting.


It's the best comprise I can think of having the standard game-pad and motion controls at the same time. Something like would have made the Wii U a lot cheaper and have 1 definitive control scheme instead of 3 we got now.