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I see the Wii U in general as prototype to a long term vision of Nintendo entering the tablet market themselves or at the very least having a product more suited to be released on tablet type devices. I got the feeling the Wii U being the last true dedicated home console for Nintendo, with the next console being more combined cross between the bottom half on the 3DS and Wii U tablet controller.

So a fully portable 7 inch screen tablet console with specs on par or at least close to the Wii U. With the ability to do TV OUT like certain PSP models can do. So it can acts as both a portable console at one moment then a home console the next.

I think Nintendo have hit the point in console spec with the Wii U where they simply don't need to go any further in terms of power. Nintendo first party games simply don't require the spec that future PS/Xbox do, as they are not aiming to get photo realistic graphics as they. Nintendo are happy with sticking with their more surreal fantasy style art form of graphics.