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Kasz216 said:


If you'll notice.  Battfield 4 was demoed using the PC.  Pretty much all the multiplat games that use PC were.


PC STILL looks better.

Afterall, think about this (likely false) rumor.

Titan GPU's CAN'T be part of that kind of unified architecture.

So in otherwords.  High end GPU's > Next Gen graphics.

If that wasn't the case, this rumor wouldn't be a negative.

Console power has... as always, been greatly overexagerrated via PR hype.

Well it depends on which PC you're talking about. Thousand dollar PCs looks better than consoles? Well duh.
Where consoles will have an advantage is price for performance. Even if you can build a PC that is comparable at the price point, next-gen games will be optimized specifically for consoles. 

Devs said that Planetside 2, which is a very demanding PC game, will run on PS4 at max settings. Even if it has some sacrifices, that is really impressive especially considering this is only a launch game. This brings me to another point this dev made....Planetside 2 PS4 development will give you better performance on your PC. Why? Better multi-core support.