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truthiness said:

You are a creator? You don't say? Well since everyone here is a creator, that means absolutely nothing. My comment about it being a crime here deals with the SCALE of copyright infringement. Commercial and large scale is a crime. Everything else is a tort. Your country's laws may vary (I'm assuming you are Japanese, though you don't say) which is sort of amusing that you project morality of an act based on the law. You continue to do so, and still try to use straw man defenses to defend yourself.

So because the PSP has terrible sales (you blame piracy, I look at the gameboy, ds, gba that all had extensive piracy and laugh) you believe that you have some moral justification to bitch about it. OK, I'll do you one better. Charter schools are hiring non-licensed teachers and killing my union's bargaining power. I'm affected by it, so therefore I should have a right to imprison them or sue them because my union has failed to react to their presense. Right? I mean if I'm affected by something, I have some kind of legal standing to bitch, piss, and moan and take legal action against them?

Your work was stolen? Really? So you've had your house broken into? You've been denied use of your property? Damn, so have I. People broke into my house all the time in college. That's why I got insurance. Why don't you get insurance for your imaginary property? Oh, they don't sell it? Why not? It's imaginary? That's odd... I thought you said they were the same thing? So you mean you were just spouting hyperbole so that you can make a martyr of yourself? Oh... ya that's amazing.

Perhaps I can start a straw man argument about being gay denies churches of income due to a lack of gay marriage, and therefore is violation of their intellectual property. Or is my argument a too ridiculous extension of your ridiculous argument?


At last, your 1st post had some sense in it.

I won't go as low as to call you an idiot either.

So you justify the fact that people stole some stuff from you by the fact that you have an insurance ? That"s the pinacle of your post.

I won't got into legal details (actually I don't think my english level would enable me to explain it to someone who didn't study law), but  you have to know that what constitute property for Material Goods and Immaterial Goods is not the same. Thus, rights attached to it are way different.

Also, of course you have the right to sue into justice anyone who harms you or your rights, but I don't see where is the point in mentionning that. 

And YES, your argument about gay mariage DO is a too ridiculous extension of your own ridiculous post. 



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