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Been playing MP. Its decent, nothing special. It is too hallway centric. I have been playing survival and the issue is the maps are setup to either go left or right into a hallway where everybody meets up on most maps. It takes away from the tactical gameplay. Also there is no headshot kills. I use bow majority of the time and dominate but it is aggravating that it is a 2-4 shot kill with the bow and a headshot doesnt count as a kill. The shotgun is over powered and there is technical bugs with people getting stuck. For my first 5 games I froze in most games. I heard other people having this problem too. Once i switched routers i was fine but my internet has not had problems with mp in any other game so this is a problem on naughty dog's end. The multiplayer is also kind of ugly but the animations are good. I do like the tactical gameplay, its just the maps are kind of dull.  Also the hand to hand is annyoing in mp.

Its pretty decent but not something i think is amazing.

Havent beat the story yet but ill have a review up in a few days to say more.