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JusSayian said:
Icy-Zone said:

Looks like the urban community is not liking the new Xbox either. Scroll down for the comments.

Makes you wonder what demographic MS was targetting this Gen.


Is this the first time you been on a hiphop site? Hiphop fans play video games both xbox and playstation and they can be fanboys.

You sound like the reporters from FOX when Jay Z and Young Jeezy released My president is Black and were shocked that rappers say the N word.

I'm an African-Canadian that mainly listens to hip hop music. I also grew up in an urban community until about high school.

You also completely missed the point of this thread. The comments on the site completely obliterated the X1. Comments not only made by Sony fanboys, but comments coming from those who mained Xbox consoles.

I was simply amazed by the fact that MS aren't really cornering a specific target market to build successes upon. Unless you consider Doritos eating dudebros a viable demographic.

"Common sense is not so common." - Voltaire

Platinumed Destiny, Vanquish, Ninja Gaiden Sigma Plus, Catherine, and Metal Gear Rising. Get on my level!!

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