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CityOfNoobs said:
kowenicki said:

a hell of a lot of the ones filling the forums out there right now are that is for sure.

And a large amount are people who used to be vocal Sony haters (Myself included).

And just because someone uses  lanaguage that is incorrect or offensive does not mean that their views can be discounted. Especailly not when they are potential customers to a bussiness. 

Exactly. The urban community can be vocal about their opinions regarding the new consoles as well. Meaning that public opinion will be further swayed against the X1, therefore hampering sales of the console. I don't know why people disregard the site due to how the people type... Not only is it one of the USA's most popular websites, it's also one of the World's most popular website. I'm sure the majority of the people who frequent the site aren't just urban youngsters, but people from all walks of life.

"Common sense is not so common." - Voltaire

Platinumed Destiny, Vanquish, Ninja Gaiden Sigma Plus, Catherine, and Metal Gear Rising. Get on my level!!

Get your Portable ID!