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Why is a the need for your Xbox One to phone home every 24 hours a big issue?

Is your Xbox 360 not currently connected up to the Internet?  Is your network going to slow down because of a single 10K text file being transfered up to Microsoft?  For the former, I suspect it's connected.  The latter, I suspect you won't even notice it.

Anyone who leaves their PCs on 24/7 already deals with their computers doing something at night, when they're not using it.  In fact, I have mine check for Windows Updates and download a new anti-virus update and run a scan.  That way, I don't have to be inconvenienced by it when I'm actually trying to use my computer.

Not to mention, your Xbox One isn't just verifying and authenticating your license situation.  It is checking for updates, downloading them, and installing them.  It's also updating the Xbox One programming guide.  Granted, the latter isn't an important feature if you don't use it, but certainly if you do it is.

It's also likely not going to do it unless the console isn't being used or used when network performance is a priority to your games or other services.  So, the likelihood of you even knowing it happened or when, would be unlikely.

Military personnel and people without Internet aside, I don't see the connectivity requirements of the Xbox One a big deal.  For people in the military and people without Internet I really think Microsoft needs to work out a compromise.  Granted, for those with a phone and data service plans, there is the possibility of tethering.  I won't dismiss that it is frustrating that Microsoft didn't have a game plan for this, but as for someone like yourself who is connected to the Internet, communicating on a forum routinely during the day, I'm having a bit of trouble understanding why an Xbox One connecting to the internet once every 24 hours is a big issue for you.

"Why is a the need for your Xbox One to phone home every 24 hours a big issue? "

Because if i dont obey microsoft they will turn it off forever what i bought with my money, so i MUST obey(??).  that is why poeple are angry about, the fact that MS is saying "Sure grab a browny they are cheap, oh but ill grab your testicles while you eat it, just make sure you eat it how i tell you to or ill have to squeeze".

" Is your network going to slow down because of a single 10K text file being transfered up to Microsoft?"

You currently have no idea of knowing what they are going to tranfering, you are guessing is 10k text file, in any case lets say a hurricane comes and im out of internet, what should i do, stick to my 360?????? what???  isnt this the ONE thing i will need for entertaiment???? no i need the one and another one, FAIL! so i cant play because i did not OBEY????????

"Anyone who leaves their PCs on 24/7 already deals with their computers doing something at night, when they're not using it.  In fact, I have mine check for Windows Updates and download a new anti-virus update and run a scan.  That way, I don't have to be inconvenienced by it when I'm actually trying to use my computer."

This here is evidence that MS wants you to obey becuase even the computer you have describe with valid reasons to be online, can work offline, i have that choice. With Xbone i dont.

"Not to mention, your Xbox One isn't just verifying and authenticating your license situation."

yes, but this is the only reason i get blocked from using MY CONSOLE THAT I PAID FOR.

"It's also likely not going to do it unless the console isn't being used or used when network performance is a priority to your games or other services.  So, the likelihood of you even knowing it happened or when, would be unlikely."

MS said it need 1.5 MB for optimal performance, many people will need to ask eveyone in the house to go off line becuase they are going to play on the xone.

At the end, like i said, all this would make sense to endure if the xbone was the only option but is not, so i dont understand why this is even been considered, is like going to a car dealer that sells you the car and also punches you in the face, why in the world would i buy from him??????

Note that i really dont have a choice, since my country is not supported by xbone and the console wont work here, a first ever, this is historical event, this is a small country sure but never before had a console not work here becuase of that.

dd if = /dev/brain | tail -f | grep games | nc -lnvvp 80

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