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I'm starting to believe the term system seller doesn't really exist. That term is too vague. 

For example: Fire Emblem Awakening was a 3DS seller for me, but not really for many people. Twilight Princess was a system seller for me, but not all people were the same. 

Very few games truly enter in this category (games like Wii Sports, maybe Kinect Adventures, etc), most of other games are system sellers for ones, but not for everyone. 

The term "system seller" is the combination of various games: 3D World, DRK:TF, Sonic Lost Worlds are not system sellers individually, but when you have all 3 available, more people will want to buy a Wii U.

Obviously some games have more selling power than others, but very few times in a sense where only that single game justifies the price of a console. And I'm talking with the general market in mind ("core" and "casual" gamers).

Nintendo and PC gamer