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Kasz216 said:
HoodFigga said:
ChichiriMuyo said:
Of course he should know better as a teacher. If a teacher had said any other offensive word he should have been disciplined for that, too. But let's bhonest, if he said "Fuck" in the middle of a high school class he'd probably just get a few laughs and some kids might think he's cool based on how it comes off. But because he used a specific word to a specific person he's in a lot more trouble.

Why? Because black people think they are entitled to privlages the rest of us aren't. No one likes that, and it's a big part of why racism won't die. White people don't like to be told they can't abuse black people but it's okay for black people to be abusive to whites or eachother.

Where do you get this "Black People are entitled to privelage" thing from? I'm black and I don't think I'm entitled to anything. Not all black people think this way. As far as the last sentence goes it seems to me its not okay for a black person to be abusive to a white person I.E. this thread. Look at how many people in here complaning about how their race gets treated unfairly.

From what I've seen on the internet at least 9 times out of 10 its someone other than a black person complaining about issues of racism, which makes me wonder where people get their information from.


It's probably due to the fact that the internet lets one be anonymous. If a white person came up to me and said "I was a victim of racism" i wouldn't really believe them.

A black person though... i'd be much more willing to believe them.

Well that and just about everyone in the world would perfer to blame there problems on other people rather then admit their own shortcomings. That goes for every race.

 I agree and the last paragraph is the truth. Sad but true, I'm afraid.

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