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I'm writing this because of all the article's posted non-stop seeming by people with Sony plastered all over their sig. Maybe just a coincidence.

Really ask your self, when is the last time I have not had internet? and if you have not had it, maybe you should be worrying about other things rather then gaming on $400-$500 systems.

How many software companies failed last gen due to Used game sales? And why didn't you see this coming?

Why do you think it's going to be that much different on PS4? Sony said they are leaving it up to game developers. So meaning most third party will require this.

Internet is the future. Google Fiber is making it's way around the U.S. and I can see it making massive leaps in the next 5 years.

You can borrow your friends games when your not using them, They also can't break your disc or lose your copy. you own your game forever, ever and ever. It

can't get broke. You just redownload it.

Anecdotal evidence: The only friends of mine who are having major issues, are the people that never buy games in the first place and when they do, it's used. My 20 year old brother doesn't have a issue with it, if he can afford internet, you can too.

Also lets be honest, most of you posting threads are just really flaming. Most of you never intended on buying xbox one.

If you are not going to buy it and never where anyway. Stop the doom threads. Go buy a WiiU. I own one, it's great. So lets just chill out with doomed/flame threads.

Internet is here to stay and google is going to make sure of that. Also lets have some positive feed back from Xbox fans, what policies do you like? what games? features? What about Illumi-room? and did anyone see it at E3? This is something I want to see a lot more on.

Also if you worried about privacy, Get up and unplug the Device after every use. It really is that simple. I highly doubt xbox is going to spy on you and why would they have to? Your phone has a microphone, camera, phone records, text records and your name is attached to it. If they where going to spy, it would be on your phone.

Google fiber link:

Gamestop record profits that would have been spent on Games and remember, most people are only saving $5 dollars on used games.

THe last time I didnt have internet (for any notable time atleast) was about 4-6 months, when I went without for just over 3 days (ISP problem) and know what I did in those 3 days? I thought seen as I couldnt play CoD online, I did the campaign (which I normally dont bother with). Turned out to be boring, and then switched to doing some other campaigns such as Battlefield 3 which I never really intended too. That wouldnt be an option on XBox.

The amount of times I have lost internet is rare, and usually only for a few hours, so not a huge problem. But if I had an Xbox that requires to be 'online authenticated' every 24 hours, that problem could easily get much more noticable. What if the last time I played my XBox was over 24 hours ago (I work a fulll time job, so very feasible) and I get some free time to play it, and at that time, its one of those occasions that I have lost my connection due to the ISP (now that can happen often if only for an hour or two) that free time and chance for me to play my games/console has gone, its not coming back. My time is precious. 

Now I dont know how this '24 hour check in' thing works (thats Microsofts fault). WIll my XBox turn itself on at a set time and renew it? does it only renew when I manually turn the Xbox on? my current XBox hasnt been turned on for coming two weeks now, so again thats a feesible scenario. But lets say it turns itself on and renews it, and you can set the time. What if by chance the time I decide to turn it on is 23 hours after it last 'checked in' and 5 minutes before I turn it on my net has died again? 

For clarification, my internet isnt bad as the above scenario's make it sound, but thats because I dont use it 24/7 - so when there is a fault its not the end of the world. But other than the one time I lost it for 3 days in the last 6 months, but it wouldnt be far from the trurth to say it goes off around once a week for a few hours ~ but thats a negligible amount of time, that hinders me little because nothing I have is 100% dependant on it being there all the time.

There is also another extreme to the above, what if the internets not working and I just want to watch a Blu-Ray? will my XBox even turn on or function at all if the internet goes down and hasnt been able to check in for 24 hours?


There is another scenario, im lucky to be in full time employment and earn decent money (im not rich or anything, but if I want a new console I can buy one without much of a problem). But take someone like my brother, he is self employed and work (and thus pay) isnt always reliable. There are times of the year that the work dries up and money becomes tight. He has an XBox, though didnt buy it at release, a few years later. Last Christmas he was lacking funds, so I brought them a PS3 for the family (family of 4 one being a 12 year old). He can only afford the most basic internet package, and get the basic internet. There have been occasions when his money has been very tight and he falls behind on none essential bills, so (though its not happened much) he has lost his internet. But today if that happened, he, his son, can and do still play there XBox. What if that happened and they only had that XBox One under the TV? tough shit you cant play it anymore.

My best friend (who coincidentally is also self employed, though his line of work means its a more steady income) lives in an area where the internet coverage is exceptionally poor (its actually really bad, I tested it once and only gets 300 kbs DL speed, which to me doesnt even qualify as broadband). He can just about use his XBox and play online AS LONG as no one else in the house is using the net (even someone browsing the web on the PC causes him massive lag). Where does he stand with the 'functions online only' stance? who was the guy that said 'well move house'? as that seems to be there answer ~ but this may not even be a problem for them, as though its a piss poor connection, its always there ~ but Microsoft havent said, and with this Cloud they keep going on about, would they even be able to play an XBox One if they got one? I honestly dont know

Myself, I have always been a PlayStation fan (probably nostalgia as the PSone was the first console I owned and bought myself with my first payday), so I owned a PS3 and get more use out of it. But the above two (brother and friend) have always been pro-XBox, along with most the people I know. In the end I brought one so I could play with them on Battlefield/CoD etc. Im actually pleased to know they both now are looking at the PS4 more attentively as for the first time since PSone they will buy the console I want instead of me having to buy their preffered console to enjoy playing with them.


Used games, I dont really buy used games, but I do sell alot of my games on to make the purchase of my next game a little cheaper. Though again, as above mentioned, they buy used games, and definitly trade them in as they cant afford otherwise. But from a personal stance, its not a deal breaker for me. If I couldnt sell my own used games on it would just result in me buying less, and being more frugal in which games I do buy. But if anyone buys a game that they cant sell on, dont you think alot more developers, those smaller ones are going to vanish than they do now? if you buy a game and are stuck with it, especially when money is a real issue, are you going to buy a game that has had little coverage because the maker isnt loaded like EA and advertising it all over the TV? a game that only has a 70 on metacritic and getting average reviews? probably not as once you get it your stuck with it, so if its crap, tough.

So no used games is probably great for your big game companies such as EA and Activision, but what about the smaller ones? Highmoon Studios? Deep Silver? though I have no evidence to back that up, its purely my opinion, but I believe it would have a negative effect on those companies and more would end up winding up than they do with the current format.


Your half right, I wont say I always planned to get a PS4 no matter what, im not a fool and want to know what im getting before saying 'im getting that'. But its fair to say I was always favourable to the PS4 - but I own all the consoles, I already own PS3, Xbox 360, Vita, 3DS and a Wii U (which unfortunatly gets little use). If I wanted both PS4 and XBox One, its safe to say I could with ouch much problem. Before all the news came out it was a safe bet to say I would own both, partly because thats what my friends would get, and partly because there are some really good games that you can only play on XBox One, such as Halo. But now its hard to say I still want the XBox knowing all the caveats that come with it, especially when compared to the PS4, which basically will operate the same way as the XBox 360 and PS3 I own now do, which I like the way they work now.


The one thing that would be good for them is this sharing between 10 friends XBox One offers, but in truth, its hardly been mentioned or pushed by Microsoft, its not been explained clearly that people like them (who dont visit forums and gaming sites) are going to get that info. If I asked them what they thought about it, they wouldnt have a clue what I was talkiing about. But from my understanding it would be very good for them as people who dont buy many games and cant afford to buy more if they did so desire. I dont know why Microsoft havent pushed that more, it seems like something that would get people interested in the system more. Maybe im just being a skeptic after all the negativity thats been surrounding them since the reveal, and it causes me to think there is a big catch to this that hasnt been revealed yet ~ otherwise why not push it? but even lets say that there is no catch, one person can buy a game and share it without limitation with 10 friends, that one shining light wouldnt be enough to me personally to overlook the things I dont like.


Internet is the future, and one day virtually the whole world will be connected, where the cost to do so is minimal, and everyone has a good connection. As you said, thats the FUTURE, we're talking about today, and thats not now. Maybe in 8 years time when the PS5 and XBox Two(?) come out will be at or atleast alot closer to that future.


I was nor wasnt planning on buying it, I hadnt decided, and know how much I love my electrical goodies and new technology, I couldnt say with 100% honesty I still wont. But the chances are alot lower now than they were prior, and the chances that I will buy one on launch even lower than that. Im not doom mongering though, im sharing my opinion.


Privacy isnt a major issue for me, though I like having it, im not doing anything that im afraid of being seen. Though I dont want a Kinect in general, as I like Joypads, not waving at my TV like an idiot.


Sorry that post went on a lot longer than originally planned :)

The best way to find out if you can trust somebody is to trust them.

Ernest Hemmingway