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RolStoppable said:

"Increased Wii supply, summer months, holidays. Still it will be nearly impossible that this prediction becomes reality. I'll update both predictions in my signature every month once NPD data comes in. "

OK thats possible, not probable in America though.

to Windbane...

1. The PS2 is cheaper than the Wii, thats true, but I havent said "cheaper consoles sell more". I just said "high price console never win". People are missing one point here, when I say "high price", I dont mean "the highest price console in the market". You may price your console at $300 while your rivals are pricing at $250, but it still is not a high price console since $300 is well acceptable. What I mean with high price is "over $400" for America. PS1 was well within the range and PS2 was a close deal, and dropped price when Xbox and GC were released. So all the winning consoles stayed below $400 and anything above was doomed to failure.

2. I didnt say "they lie". I said they vastly exaggerate. Others do this too, but not as much as Sony does!

3. Im done with that SNES thing, it wasnt the issue. You got the point, right? Genesis has had its advantages as well, but lets drop this SNES-Genesis issue, ok? About PS1 over N64, yes PS1 had many advantages and the console of choice by many producers (this is a good reason behind its victory) but this still dont disprove that N64 was stronger (have you compared the graphics of the both?)

4. The fact was about the past Sony performance, the PS3 loadings were MY OPINION, ok? But now I begin to think it might be better thanks to internal Hard disk, so you got a point here.

5. Xbox did really blow PS2 and I was jealous of Xbox games as a PS2 owner. The Goddamn Aliasing ruined my graphical taste in the first place while Xbox had much less trouble about it.

6. There are more memory available on xbox360 (which is also more flexible to utilize) to the developer as confirmed by both parties so thats a fact. But it just doesnt mean Xbox has superior because of this, PS3 may be using the ram more efficiently due to higher bandwidth or something else or vice versa. My point was that PS3 was not so incredibly superior to Xbox360 as folks make a fuss about.

7. Yes the future usually repeats in the long term and how do you know that it doesnt at this very time.

8. So wii is taking the lead, I was just writing the facts man! :)

9. Thats not an opinion but comparative analysis with Xbox360, Wii, PS1 and PS2 and some other consoles. It reveals that no other console which has done so poorly in such a period could succeed. Ok, if you believe time will not repeat itself then its your hopefull faith. But history is written by the men having the same genetics conveyed from one generation to another, which is one the history repeats :)

ssj12 said:
"This is unbiased... right..."

The titles are unbiased, of course there are my biased opinions between the lines :D lol

Christopher_G2 said :

"Fact 1: this is one of the stupidest posts I've ever read. I'm sorry I even bothered.

Fact 2: the idea that this poster is unbiased is about as logical as saying Fox News is unbiased. "

I guess this is also your VERY BIASED opinion, right? And my biased opinion is that you regret to hear the very facts that make you realize the truths that hurt a lot. Gotcha!

Xyrax said:
"Did I read the thread title wrong? I thought this was both unbiased, and FACTS... Guess not."

Name one title that is not an unbiased fact (except for the SNES-Genesis debate). Note that the texts below the titles are my opinions and of course biased! I should've explained this (that was my first post, blame it)

Silver_Z said:
"True.... I totally agree that 256 + 256 is not the same as 512 shared. But have u check on the kinda ram they are using? I am not sure what ram they are using, but ram specs plays a big part.... Unless u wanna claim that 2gb of EDO ram is better than 1gb of DDR2."

You are absolutely right. But what I was trying to say that PS3 is assumed to be superior to Xbox360 (as it is more expensive to produce, released later and sold for a hefty price) but this may not necessarily be the issue and the gap could be smaller than expected and Xbox could be superior in certain areas.

Playstation 5 vs XBox Series Market Share Estimates

Regional Analysis  (only MS and Sony Consoles)
Europe     => XB1 : 23-24 % vs PS4 : 76-77%
N. America => XB1 :  49-52% vs PS4 : 48-51%
Global     => XB1 :  32-34% vs PS4 : 66-68%

Sales Estimations for 8th Generation Consoles

Next Gen Consoles Impressions and Estimates