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akuma587 said:
I recently found a band Ivy. I downloaded three of their albums, but I also paid for two. I would never have felt compelled to buy that many if I wasn't able to listen to some of the albums I downloaded.

And that is your way of saying, "Stealing is alright."

I got into every single band by just trying out a cd. Sure there are a bunch of cd's from bands I dislike that I paid for, but hey, I could have tried free samples first (actually, now I do that but in 1997 through early 2000, I did not have high-speed internet so it took forever). If I want to listen to a band, I can ask for suggestions, find a free sample (if provided, which normally is) and make a decision from there.

A band like Nightwish, however, I just took one look at the cover art and said, "Why not try this out?" And they became one of my favorite bands. I did not need to steal two albums first in order to decide what to buy. You have no legs to stand on with that. Please try again.

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