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I welcome the change, Final fantasy has never been about turn base combat. It just started with turn base combat.
I tried playing X again and man I hated the random encounters every few steps and there is a fight, I just hated it. The combat isn't engaging anymore or something to be super exited about. Back in the days when it got released it was extremely fun. But its not engaging anymore for me. The combat system of XIII was ok, the only thing that made it fun was the shifts between paradigms.

For me Final Fantasy is about the summons,(Bahamut, Ifrit, Shiva etc.) Magic and celebrity names across the games. These are unique to the FF games. The rich story telling and fun side quests like Omega weapon or Ultima weapon or flying in a airship and finding new places to explore. I'm pumped for this game, I know nomura will get all these things in the game. Can't wait