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im not looking for people to simply make lists of games with great graphics. Just list the games, past or present, that when you first saw them you were impressed in a way that you had yet to experience.

i guess my big 5 are:

1. mario 64: it's not just cause it was mario in 3D. The whole game was colorful and alive in a way i had never seen before. I remember the first time I saw the giant eel, i was blown away.

2. soul caliber: the first 6th gen game to really catch my attention. Character models and movement really hit a new high with this game.

3. jet grind radio: cell shading done right with some of the best designs in video game history.

4. viewtiful joe: again with the amazing art style. Also, the special abilities (speed up, slow down) looked awesome.

5. killzone 2 (the E3 2005 tech demo): it's hard to tell how the final product will match up, but i remember seeing that video a few years back and was just blown away. It's the first and only current gen game (to date) to make me just think, "damn."

(also a special nod to 'spore' for being the current gen game ive looked forward to the longest).