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happydolphin said:

^Follow this thread with dharh for the answer. It's not about nostalgia, it's about identity. Take your favorite game and radically alter it from top to bottom, see if you'll be happy.

Okay, let me clarify (and good post btw). Even though since FFIV we have the option to have characters and monsters either play in turn or wait their turn (when timer runs out), in all cases there is the concept of a turn. Even in FFXII which I have yet to play does that delay exist. I did not see any of that in FFXV. I was lost. It was an action game and I didn't recognize FF at all. That is as much of a genre-defining aspect as MMO features in FFXI and XIV. Nothing else than those two this far truly defied FF in its genre, the only arguable one is XII I believe.

This answers RedCutPoison

With regards to FF12. It did bring about many changes, some things were unsatisfactory; however at its core it was an  RPG. It was extremely deep RPG in many respects.

With regards to FF13, the developers admitted that it was never intended to be and RPG, but 'something new entirely'. They even went as far as to claim that Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 inspired the game. This is completely unacceptable, and its disgraceful to do something like that.

In the case of FF15; Square Enix originally set out to make a game called FF13 Versus, part of the FNC compliation. The reason the game was not origianlly called FF15 was because Square Enix felt that the game was too different from a traditional RPG to be considered a main line installment.

Fair enough. However the issue is that FF15 looks to be too far away from the traditiaonl RPG gameplay experience to be a main line Final Fantasy. It looks a lot like Devil May Cry, with God of War quick time events. Is it possible that the cost of 7 years of investment was too high to warrant this game to be a non-main line installment.

I think the main reason this is FF15 is because Square Enix know a game with the words FF13 on the box has a negative stigma. They said to themselves that they've lost a 7 year investment if this game has FF13 on the box. So they change the name on the box to avoid being assoicated with FF13, and to secure their 7 year investment. Its a dirty trick, and I believe that Hinorobu Sakaguchi would have never allowed this.