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The real reason I don't like Microsoft's new policy? They gave themselves total control over the One's marketplace when the marketplace on the 360 was, for lack of a better word, lazy. Microsoft has shown time and time again that they just aren't willing to maintain their marketplace properly.

Take my recent purchase of Perfect Dark Zero, for example. It's not exactly a bad game, but it definitely disappointed fans, and it is a reasonably old game. It's fair to expect a low price. On XBox Marketplace, it's $15. A quick internet search reveals the highest price a competitor is selling it for is $5. I got it for $2.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but because the digital copy forces me to burn hard drive space, and proprietary hard drives are expensive, shouldn't the digital copy be cheaper? It's not like you're paying inventory or labor costs, either.

It's not just about the price here, either. I could tell the game I was picking up wasn't going to be that good just because of the price: it's dirt cheap to clear out inventory because no one wants it. $15 however, is just high enough it could go be decent at least.

Just everything about Microsoft screams poor marketplace management. In it's defense, Sony isn't any better, but Sony also makes no effort to lock me into their digital marketplace: they only provide it as an option.