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XiaoMay said:
akuma587 said:
XiaoMay said:
akuma587 said:
Piracy is for smart people. Now I will still buy cd's, Blu-rays (never DVD's), and of course video games (too difficult/too risky to pirate usually) sometimes, but if you arent at least pirating music, you are dumb and a corporate slave,

If you really want to support a band, go see them in concert. They make WAY more from that than you buying their CD. Movie studios really don't need your help in the first place, unless it is a smaller budget indie film or a very ambitious but niche movie you want to support.

poor guys

trying to justify your weaknesss...

industry is not just about a band or a studio... think about all people working from the distribution line to the retailler before you pirate anything

Also, "smart guy", I DO hope that if you create anything one day, someone will steal it from you and use it

he will be the smarter one, and you will be the mind-raped one


but I supose you are this kind of student who yet has to learn what is work and creation and what it is to see your work stolen and what it is to work to get something

Oh my God! I have seen the light! Your moral fortitude has converted me! How could I forget about all those people working desk jobs in Hollywood! I have now decided to stop donating to the charity organization I am the president of that helps Chinese orphans (around $300-700 a year) and give it all to corporations who make the world a better place! I will also stop working with my volunteer organization and get a job so that I can pay for all those products I have stolen! I will never donate blood again either, and sell my blood to back street dealers so that I can buy of those beautiful optical discs wrapped in cellophane that gives my empty life a meaning.

Seriously dude, there are more important things than paying for your music. Pirating music and movies in no way shape or form dictates my morality, although I do agree it is stealing. I stole a potential sale though, I didn't walk into a store and steal something off the shelf. I will not try to justify that piracy should be legal, whether or not it is "wrong" is debatable. You are pathetic if you think not pirating music/movies makes you a better person than someone else.

let s talk about this when you will be 24 or 25 and graduated ok ?

discussing about piracy with children who are still playing with papa and mama is not very constructive.

For you, it's your only way to play, i reckon. You have to pay for your phone bill and clothes with the money your parents grant you

This doesn't make piracy any less of a crime, sorry

Never does it prevent it from being a hit to the talent of the one who created the games

What is No More Heroes for you ? A game which might never have seen a seque, like Killer7, if everybody was playing the "piracy-is-ok,-cause-I-am-against-consumerism" melody

think about it, girls

Actually if the games industry follows the pattern of the music industry it's likely No More Hereos would of saw increased sales do to piracy.

Piracy in music is a zero gain or loss, though it does seem to do a bit of "communism" by distributed some buys away from the more popular and bigger songs and instead help those sales go to smaller lesser known bands.

There is a reason why the bigger companies and bands like Metallica were against things like Napster while little known norweigian bands and all sorts of other bands supported it and even advertised their songs for free.

Itunes REALLY screwed them as well.  The big companies were so afraid piracy was going to spread to everyone (because they're paranoid) they made a deal with apple to sell songs for 99 cents each, which they've tried to get out of nearly right after they made it.

Itunes has actually lost them revenue.