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Rafux said:
ironmanDX said:

We'll see. People don't like change, just like they didn't like steam, just like saying the world was spherical was a sin. Obviously that's a big jump but PC games have had codes on them locking it to one PC for years... As with the OS, yet that is considered the norm and is accepted now. I wish I could share Windows with 10 "family members" but you can't.

This is just plain negative, lets say I live in Portugal and I don't mind the always online/used games DRM/always kinected policies, I have the money, a good internet connection and the means to import an Xbox 1 from Spain yet I still can't play it because MS put even more restrictions on the online activations and DRM.

You know already... So lets assume you don't. You'd do research, right? No? Ok, lets assume no for that too.... You've got no idea, I'm plain negative yet you're assuming the shop/outlet/whatever won't tell you either... Right. If the assumption made by many/most on these forums are the "core" players are online. Core players are the ones that would go to that length to ship an already expensive Xbox ONE overseas, Especially AT LAUNCH! Core players would know. If they didn't and the shop didn't tell you, get a refund and buy a PS4 or WiiU because you can't wait for next gen or wait a little longer. The gen was the longest of all time, what's another month or 2?


The End.