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starcraft said:

So you guys never play a movie, watch a TV show, log on to a social media network?

He didn't seem to take account of the current game slate either (likely by virtue of being an engineer), which most sites are acknowledging tips in Xbox ONE's favour.

Either way, very clever read. Its been two days since E3 and already we're starting to see the excitement hangover, the dust settling and people stopping to think, 'shit, MS showed some great exclusives' and 'now that I think about it, Sony's DRM policy is pretty close to Microsoft's, they both just leave it to publishers.'

Movies? I've been watching blu-rays on my PS3 for years. TV shows? Netflix and um tv. Social media? Why would I use any console when I have something else that will do it way better (computer, ipad, phone, even vita), but it works on PS3 anyway so I don't get it. That's the problem, Microsoft and some of it's supporters act like the PS3 and PS4 can't do anything besides games when it most definitely can. 

The current game slate? Sure, Microsoft currently has more exclusives revealed (disregarding indie games) 5 months before the consoles are released. However, as Microsoft has been saying repeatedly recently, "it's a marathon not a sprint" so Sony has plenty of time to show the exclusives that everyone knows they will have (naughty dog, media molecule, Sony Santa Monica, quantic dream, another from guerrilla games, etc...) So let's just wait for all of both consoles games to be announced and just be happy with what we've got.

And DRM, again like the PS3 the PS4 will not have any offline DRM, but a third-party publisher can force you to get an online pass, while Xbox games all have DRM and mandatory online every 24 hours. Big difference there.