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Gamers across the world collectively breathed a sigh of relief this morning at the revelation that Nintendo was currently developing “almost zero” must-have games for the Nintendo Wii U.

The news broke during the company’s latest Nintendo Direct presentation which was prepared in lieu of a live conference, and audience response was overwhelming.  Trevor Neely of Tuscan, AZ, who already has an impressive backlog of games to play on his PS3 and Xbox 360, couldn’t have been more pleased with the extra time granted him by Nintendo.

I’ve been nervous about this [Nintendo Direct] for months,” Trevor stated in an interview. 

I just couldn’t stop thinking, ‘What has Nintendo got up their sleeves?  What are they going to reveal?’  So when the news came this morning I couldn’t have been more relieved.  I’ve barely got time for the games I have, so this Nintendo break is going to be a life-saver.

Among the presentation’s news items were reveals of two new games, Super Mario 3D World and Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze, both of which were incredibly well-received on most media outlets.  Andrew Forrester, writer for the gaming blog ChipGoons, posted the following on his blog in response to a question from a reader:

You bet I was holding my breath when the presentation started.  I mean, heading into a Nintendo Direct knowing that you’re going to see a new 3D Mario game and the new secret game from Retro Studios, one of Nintendo’s strongest first-party devs?  I was on the edge of my seat!  I was incredibly worried that we would get an expansive, sweeping Mario game showcasing the Wii U’s power, which would have undoubtedly demanded a great deal of my time.  And for all I knew Retro could have been tasked with revitalizing an old Nintendo IP, or bringing a surge of life to the Wii U in the form of an entirely new one!  Thankfully Nintendo failed to deliver on both fronts and revealed two half-assed sequels that could have easily been put on the 3DS.

In a later comment on the same post, Andrew continues:

It was a close call.  Retro’s new game could have been anything else—ANYTHING—and I would have been lining up at Gamestop the day it released, undoubtedly when some sort of important work was due the next day.  But after so many years of development time this was literally the most underwhelming and uncreative game they could have cooked up.  I can’t thank them enough.

He then listed a number of activities that he would be taking part in instead of playing the Wii U, such as going for walks with his girlfriend and perhaps finishing his novel.  I’ve always wanted to learn to play the guitar,” he said, “and I think now might just be the time.

In a pre-E3 poll held last week, gamers were asked what they wanted from the next 3D Mario game.  A staggering 96% chose “A bland, linear sequel to a game that was specifically utilized for handheld play,” with 3% choosing “An inventive, visually-stunning adventure,” and 1% choosing “Other.”  This data was validated by fan response today, with many gamers giving praise to Mario’s new “Cat Suit,” which most have agreed is, “decidedly gay.”

Nicholas Bouchard, a father of three and an avid gamer currently residing in Lake Forest, CA, echoed these sentiments and expressed his thanks for Nintendo’s great generosity.

Between work and getting the kids fed and driving around all over, it’s really hard to find time for games!

Like Trevor Neely, Nicholas has amassed a large collection of games that he has yet to play.

I’ve got a stack of games up to my waist that I haven’t even touched!  Heck, Skyrim alone has taken up most of my time over the last year, and recently the amazing PS3 and Xbox games have been dropping left and right!  I can’t even remember how long I’ve had Fallout: New Vegas sitting unopened on top of my dresser.  So now with the other new systems showing off game after game I’m started to get worried about the future.  But Nintendo comes in and just gives me absolutely no reason to pick up a Wii U any time soon.  They’re releasing a slew of games that look just entertaining enough to buy maybe four or five years down the line when I can pick up the system and a huge stack of games for a couple hundred bucks.  My whole family sends their thanks to Nintendo for this opportunity to just not care about an entire platform for the majority of this upcoming generation, and for continuing to display the generosity that began with the last few years of the Wii’s life.

Nicholas went on to talk about how he would take the opportunity granted by not playing Wii U games to spend more time being with his family and hopefully grinding through that staggering backlog.  When asked about the new Smash Brothers title that was also revealed in today’s presentation, Nicholas stated, “Oh, I’m sure it will be awesome.  But I’m not buying a whole system just for Smash Bros.

Currently playing:

Bloodbath Paddy Wagon Ultra 9