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ethomaz said:

RolStoppable said:

They tried to take a page from Sony's playbook. I don't have to remind you that Sony talked up how they always care about gamers and all that stuff at their conference on Monday, but anyone with some long term memory remembers the PS3 that was a means to get Blu-ray in people's homes and make gamers a second job.

The reason why such PR doesn't work for EA is because they really don't have any fans that are eager to gobble it up. Or fans, period.

Well... haters said PS3 was only a Bly-ray player... Sony ifself always sold it focusing in games.

Sony always puts games in first place.

Come on, as an early adopter I can tell you that those early year was certainly desperate time for actual gamers, the meme 'PS3 has no game' were pretty apt and before Metal Gear Solid 4, the PS3 had no exclusive that could really be named 'system seller'. Sony doing the right things now doesn't give them a free pass at past sins. Lets just hope that they learn from their lesson.