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I have an Xbox 360 library of over 500+ game (over half of all Xbox 360 games released in NA), a gamerscore of 130,000 that was growing at a steady rate, a windows phone 8, and probably over a thousand dollars in dlc content and xbla games.


...and now after the announcement and e3 conferience I have a PS4 preordered at Gamestop along with about 30 games reserved for PS3/PS4, and zero 360 and Xbox One games on the list. All Microsoft had to do was not bring the always online and anti-used policies to Xbox One, and they would still have me as a loyal customer. I care about games, not TV, sports, media features, or pathetic brand loyalty. 


Microsoft could retract everything at this point, but the damage is done. PS4 for me, and if Sony ever decides to put this DRM garbage on their system, I'll take my business to Nintendo and Steam without hesitation.