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teigaga said:
Muffin31190 said:
I can't Believe people are saying they are "Fine" with this and that it really isn't a "big deal" other than the PC i game on my PS3 (rarely), but one of the greatest determining factors about this game console is that it had "FREE" online play just like PC, sure it might not have been the greatest but was still free.
Listen I know what they are offering with no DRM and the price point is very Robust and a Great Deal but if Sony had Charged for online for this last gen they would have lost a Lot of customers being that Xbox doing the same thing and at the early stages we all know the 360 was more commercially successful.
Now with all that said, I Have owned every Console this Gen and while I enjoyed all of them I enjoyed the PS3 the most because of simple fact that I don't have to worry about paying to play online (and Pretty damn sweet Library of games).
You are all entitled to your opinion but the fact that a lot of people are flip flopping on this entire situation, well it is just so unnerving that you are just willing to accept the disappearance of a key feature that makes a console GREAT, and it really shows that you follow the brand not the qualities of that brand.

Not necessarily the case. There comes a point where you must except that the entertainment you consume has a price. You either see the value in it or you don't. Sometimes you can argue a moral ground with stuff like consumer freedom, but this isn't one of them. I've lavished in the fact that psn is free, in fact I stopped paying for XBL this year becuase I no longer see value in it because I'm never online anymore. But I completely understand the reasoning behind this and would like to see sony strengthen their online infrastructure and services. Sony didn't make a profit for almost 7 years, again your entertainment comes at a cost. At some point we have to balance our expectations with the fact that people on the other side have to make money.

Listen I understand why this is happening, that doesnt mean i have to agree with it, and the fact that people are defending this descision after they have attacked it for soooo long really just shows that there loyalty lie's with the brand and not what makes it great, which in my eyes is really sad. And to deny the case of a huge Benifit to a console is also very sad, i see the buisness standpoint and what they did was absolutely brilliant (seriously hats off to sony in the sense of the genious decption they pulled) in getting people to get PS+ before it bacame mandatory for online (I have had PS=for about a year now).

What I am trying to get at here is not the fact that sony is doing what they are doing, but the fact that people who gave the xbox shit for this type of feature are now embracing it fully and with open arms. And so if you are to be a fan of a system it should be because of it's merits and strenghts and not be because of the company who made it.