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eFKac said:

Maybe I'm not a frequent guest of Microsoft threads, and some may espaced from my attention, but I haven't seen much of ranting from Sony guys about free online, it's a neat thing no doubt, but it was a hot topic at the start of the gen, not recently. so I haven't seen the arguments in a rather long time. 

On the other hand I also recall, not particularly on this site, but overall, that MS fans were often claiming, that Live is better because it's a paid service, and the sub-par PSN has conservations all the time, worse apps and got hacked. And now I've seen comments that used the PS4 payed online as a point in downplaying the service and/or (but it might have been only Sales2099 :P) so both parties like to change their attitude, it's nothing new really. But such generalisations aren't bringing much into the discussions imo.

Paying for fundamental things isn't never fair, that's my opinion. I didn't like Gold and I don't like mandatory PS+ either. It's just I don't like people here that goes "Well, ain't a problem for me!". That attitude gets on my nerves.