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WrathofTank said:


Are you serious?

Sonys lineup of games is pretty poor. As is the visuals. For a console supposedly the most powerful The One killed it. 

Panic is now, but it seems after a lacklustre showing by PS4, the panic is on the internet by many Sony fans. Not actual preorder sales in the realworld. 

I expect on Launch The One to seriously outsell PS4 with the respective launch lineups they have.


Hell Ryse, Forza 5, Killer Instinct are all confirmed day one. As is Sunset Overdrive. Nothing Sony showed looks that promising exclusive wise. FF15 and KH3 are already fully expected to be announced for The One very shortly. 

Also games like Killzone Shadowfall visually were destroyed y games like Ryse, Forza 5 and Battlefield 4. Quantum Break looked amazing visually. Inengine those faces were astonishing. 

Its like Sony and Mcrosoft have traded places for non shooter games. Although Microsoft seems to have kept the shooter title also. Titanfall looked amazing.


I feel 2 things from Sony conference. 

1. PS4 sold at a loss. Screams desperate. Screams financial end for Sony if it fails to sell much. Noone will wait till 2035 for GT7.

2. No cloud processing talked about for any games. Why would I play a game with fixed AI, when I can play a truly next gen title with real AI? Seriously. If having an internet connection improves the gameplay and is truly next gen why would I buy a PS4 which is essentially a PS3 with far less exclusives and better graphics?

Microsoft are bringing more newer experiences to the table. Cloud computing is a LARGE part of this

I felt like creating an account just to respond to some of this nonsense...

First off on of principal alone people shouldn't buy the Xbox One.  The more we give up our rights as with anything in life the more rights are taken away.  If we willingly let them push DRM on us and all of this other nonsense it will only get worse.

The Xbox One showed some great games, and I'm sure that it has a lot to offer, but we shouldn't purchase it.  I know that you and many other are very intrigued by the product and want to buy it, as do I, but we shouldn't until their policy changes.

And in response to some of your other statements...

  • I don't understand everyones interest in Ryse, it looked great visually, but gameplay wise all it uses is quicktime events, it's mostly on rails too.  It doesn't seem like it would be fun to me, and that is what I've heard from people that have played the demo as well.
  • Also you are kidding yourself if you think the PS4 lineup of games is poor, most games are multiplat, and also Playstation has more first party studios, all of them are working on games for PS4.
  • Also, your statment that Killzone Shadow was destroyed visually is based on nothing, I would venture to say that Digital Foundry and the experts who analyze graphics would strongly disagree.

In conclusion, if you look at the Xbox One and the PS4 with no bias at all, the answer is clear which console is the better choice for consumers.  The PS4 is cheaper, more powerful, and has better gaming policies, the last of which is most important to me.

On DRM. 

As a customer I dont really care if I own digital data or not. The world of Videogames on console is the last place for this sort of thing to be accepted. It WILL happen to all Digital data. So it happening now to The One doe not bother me, considering every smartphone, tablet and PC is already doing this. 

Blame the 3 million pirate copies of Halo 3 or the 2 million pirated copies of Gears of War 3 for DRM. Its the dishonest people in life whos sad pathetic excuse for not paying for anything that have resulted in this. I know plenty of sad people who havent bought films in years due to torrents or newsgroups. 

As for the visuals. 10 of the Exclusives Xbox One has all run in native 1080p and all at 60fps. ALL of them. I will definately take that venture on DF with you. After the Microsoft conference the visuals on Sonys conference didnt do much for me at all. I still cant believe the facial graphics of Quantum Break or the sheer realism of Forza 5. When I saw GT6 in the Sony Conference is was quite lacklustre visually. I know its not fair to compare, but it highlighted just how undetailed Forza 4 and GT6 are this gen.